
NJOH Valentine NDI

CEO & Founder

Name of Oranginzation : Child Education and Welfare Association (CEWA).


Our History

" Catalyst for Change: A Decade of Personal Initiatives Transforming Child Education and Welfare "

CEWA's history is a testament to the transformative power of personal dedication. In 2006, our founder embarked on a mission fueled by unwavering commitment, using personal resources to create a platform for change.

The journey began with the organization of impactful campaigns centered around child education. Simultaneously, a relentless fight was initiated against the grave issues of child trafficking and child labor.

Recognizing the importance of a solid foundation, academic orientations were extended to junior students, setting them on a path of knowledge and growth. As the mission expanded, the focus shifted to practical support. Schools were provided with essential didactic materials, enhancing the learning environment for children.


" Fueled by Faith : From Struggle to Empowerment – The Journey of CEWA "

Inspired by my own journey, I founded CEWA with a resolute purpose: to extend a helping hand to those who know the struggle of humble beginnings. Growing up in a peasant family, the aspiration of a bright future often seemed distant, but the unwavering faith in God and the words of encouragement from my parents sustained me.

My own experiences of navigating self-sponsorship through secondary school made me acutely aware of the challenges faced by those without sponsors or supportive guardians. This awareness kindled a fire within me to make a tangible difference in the lives of the needy, orphans, and widows.

CEWA stands as a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and the belief that no challenge is insurmountable. Our mission is clear: to provide education, health, nourishment, shelter, and sustainable training programs to those who, like me, understand the struggle from personal experience.

Through CEWA, we are not only extending support, but also igniting hope – a hope for a brighter future, just as my parents' words lit the path for me. Let us join hands in creating a community where determination, resilience, and the spirit of giving transform lives. Together, we can empower the less fortunate to rise above adversity and embrace the promise of a better tomorrow.

The ripple effect continued as students received writing materials and uniforms, enabling them to engage in their education with dignity and pride.

This history is a reflection of our deep-seated belief that every child deserves a chance to dream, learn, and succeed. With each campaign, each act of support, CEWA planted seeds of hope in countless young hearts. Today, we carry this legacy forward, dedicated to nurturing brighter futures and creating a world where opportunities are within reach for all.

Beneficiarues : Under privileged children and youths, widows and single parent especially those in the rural communities.